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Hearken, ye who aspire to the riches of kings and the wealth of empires,
For gold is the measure of influence, and silver the voice of authority.
Blessed is the man whose hands craft fortunes, and whose mind sharpeneth his endeavors like a blade;
For he shall not want, and his storehouses shall be filled with plenty.

In the marketplace, wisdom is a weapon, and shrewdness a shield;
The strong shall prevail, and the clever shall multiply their gains.
Cast thy bread upon the waters of commerce, and it shall return to thee in profits sevenfold.
But beware the idle hand and the sluggish heart, for they are thieves of opportunity.

Let thy ambition be as a stallion, unbridled and swift, that thou mayest outrun poverty and seize wealth by the reins.
The diligent man shall ascend to the seats of power, but the sluggard shall dwell among the lowly.
To him who worketh while others sleep, shall the gates of prosperity be opened;
And the treasures of the earth shall be his reward, for fortune favors the bold.

Be thou a master of thy resources, and thy wealth shall become a river that floweth without end.
Invest with foresight, and scatter not thy riches carelessly, for the wise man's gold worketh even while he resteth.
And remember, though abundance is sweet, true power lies in its command.
For it is not enough to gather wealth; it is the ruler who knoweth how to wield it that shall shape the world.

Let no man despise profit, for it is the measure of accomplishment and the proof of one's skill.
Honor the deals that strengthen thy house, and cut swiftly the losses that bleed thy coffers.
For in the realm of commerce, the wise shall prevail and the foolish shall be cast aside, as chaff before the wind.

And when thou hast gained, be not ashamed to enjoy the fruits of thy labor, for they are the rewards of thy cunning.
Build high thy palaces, and adorn thy courts with treasures from every land;
But forget not to guard thy gates, and to strengthen the walls of thy prosperity.
For even the richest man is but a steward of his fortune, and must defend his kingdom from ruin.

Know this: that wealth is not an enemy to virtue, but a companion to greatness,
And he who useth his riches to expand his domain shall be called wise.
The miser hoardeth and reaps no joy, but the generous ruler investeth in loyalty and buyeth the hearts of many.
Therefore, spend boldly where profit may grow, and give wisely that your name may endure.

So seek ye first the conquest of markets and the mastery of trade,
And all other things shall be added unto thee; titles, influence, and honor shall be yours in abundance.
For it is written that the strong shall inherit the spoils, and the ambitious shall sit upon thrones,
While the timid and faint of heart shall serve in silence.

Let this be thy counsel: measure thy success not only by what thou possess,
But by the empire thou buildest, and the legacy thou leavest.
For he who ruleth wisely over his wealth shall find that even time itself bendeth to his will,
And his name shall be spoken with reverence for generations to come.

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